Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Blogging Obsession- ♥

OK.. So here goes. Today October 21st 2010, I have decided to start blogging my work. So many photographers out there do it and I wondered what the big deal was? Well, now I realize!

For me, it's such a pain because I can not add every single shoot to my website, and update my potential clients with recent shoots or sneak peaks to my clients waiting on photos. This gives me that leeway to do so and still offer my friends, family and clients another way to view my newest work. I really had no idea why so many photogs did this! Now I do!

Of course, as of today, what you see is a quick glimpse and rough draft as I am sampling my thoughts. Being a Gemini of course, I am so indecisive when it comes to things like this. By next week, I will have probably changed my mind 5 more times.

Today gives me a new advantaged to the photo world, by letting you all see my new work, random thoughts, or just something that goes on in my daily life... will help you better choose if I am the right photographer for you.

Please enjoy this blog, as I am enjoying it already!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Once you're in, you're hooked, right? :) Looking forward to reading what you post.

  2. Thanks so much Steve! Glad to see you checked out my blog! :0)

    Thanks for the support... I made cupcakes today.. so the obsession begins.. i'll be blogging about that too now! :0)
