Monday, March 28, 2011

Steven + Cynthia {LOVE}

This is my cousin Steven and his fiancĂ© Cynthia, how adorable are they? They have been together for quite sometime now and have 2 beautiful daughters. They decided it’s finally time to tie the knot, become united and share their lives together and guess who gets to shoot it? You guessed it, ME!

Sunday I took their engagements because they need them done ASAP. The wedding is June 11th and they still have not sent out or got started on those invites. They are now rushing to get them done because June is just around the corner and they need plenty of printing and mailing time.

This duo is just too cute. They are both quiet, and were not sure how to express their love to the camera but I thought they did a great job anyway, here is just a few.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Padilla|Galindo Family

Today Ray leaves to Afghanistan.

Tiffany and Ray have been together for sometime now. They are only 20 years old, High school sweethearts, in love, married and parents of one brand new Kairi.

Because Ray’s family has never had a family session before and we all know the dangers of Afghanistan, she thought it would be a good idea to get some whole family pictures done and here just a few.

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's been some time...

Well, I guess I have been a bit absent from my blog lately and guess it’s time to catch up. In December 2010, I decided to take a break. I got overwhelmed with the busy-ness of photography and wanted to dedicate some time to my family and my self. I did. Now it’s time to get back in the game.

In December I decided I would start “Project 365” on January 1st and so far, I have kept to that promise. There has been a few days that I have wanted to quit but I told myself I wouldn’t. It’s been fairly easy and I really enjoy it but on those days where my tummy or head is just not feeling it, is when I have those negative thoughts. If I can pull through just once, I know I can do it every time. Here are a few of my faves.