Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Adriana + Adrian + Elianna + Noah = {♥}

This was my session from this past Saturday April 2nd 2011 {Family♥} and I had lots to worry about. Ok, maybe not lots but it seemed so. Adrianna had been rescheduling her session with me for a whole month. Every time it was the day before, the weather was just horrible! As it came closer to Saturday the sun was just flaring and the days were warm and I was excited!

Of course.. Saturday the 2nd comes around and yup.. The sun was NO WHERE and the warmth was gone! I was shocked since the days before had been total beach days! Our session was for 6:30 pm and all day I looked out the window and walked out side just hoping the day would flip. It didn’t. I let her know that the session would still come out good and sunny {with my magic powers} trying not to discourage her from going through with the session. Of course we shot anyway and the wind was breezy, the air was crisp, not exactly my idea of a perfect shoot. Anyhow, it was fun!

We met in a tall grass field and discovered lots of HUGE lady bugs.. It was fascinating to see so many and so large. The kids loved it, they wanted nothing more than to look for lady bugs. I followed them capturing some natural shots so their mama could see them… being them! It was adorable, I’ll have to use that location more often… here is just a few from Saturday’s session with the Ruiz Family!

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