Sunday, April 17, 2011

The SF Zoo

Last Monday we all went to the Zoo, still in celebration of Sid turning 2. We thought she would really enjoy it and we were right.

The San Francisco Zoo is not the largest of course but it is decent. I never had been there before and I couldn’t wait to get there. The night before, Larry {My brother in law and former resident of SF} told us we needed to be up bright and early for an early head out. Of course we agreed all but Nicky & Manny {lil sis & her BF}. Since we wanted to have a nice breakfast before the Zoo and they didn’t care to, we said we’ll meet at the Zoo at 10am.

We got to the “Bashful Bowl” around 9am and had breakfast. I had Eggs & Bacon with Biscuits and Gravy, a little bit of Larry’s hash browns and a little bit of my sister’s pancakes. This easy hole in the wall restaurant has had a good reputation for good food and large portions. But on Monday, that wasn’t the case. Our pancakes were like crapes and the portions were a tad smaller than normal. However, it was good. Our waiter wore full on cover-up that Erica could not stop “silently” laughing at, talked at the speed of light and we couldn’t understand a word he said and not to mention he had an accent. He brought all our food out, well all but Rubens. We waited a good 5 minutes to see if he would return and nope! We asked him about Ruben’s meal and he pretty much just forgot, which was ok since he apologized and had a friendly smile. He brought Ruben’s omelet out about 5 minutes later… Cheese-less! LOL It was good anyway and besides Ruben is not the biggest cheese fan anyway. No worries!

At 10am we got to the Zoo and waited on Nicky and Manny, they were no where near even being ready or on the way which is about 45 minutes away. We decided then to go in and just walk around. Nicky and Manny didn’t show up until about noon and that’s when we went to the petting zoo. Sid loved it, and wanted to pet everything, kiss everything and touch everything. The animals didn’t seem to mind her and it was all pretty safe. Around 2 pm we were hungry. We had packed a lunch for us all and took an ice chest full of waters and other drinks. We had asked the staff if we could bring our lunch in and they said it was fine but the Seagulls are pretty aggressive and are not easily shown away. We then sat at the car and had our lunch. A few birds started circling our car and we pretty much got scared one of them might snatch our sandwich right out of our hands. They didn’t!

After our lunch we headed back in for the final tour. We had a nice rest of the afternoon and pretty much fell in love with the gorillas… well one of them to be exact. The baby. The baby gorilla was so dang cute, totally in love with Sid and wanted her cookie. Sid was eating a cookie and looking through the glass as the baby gorilla kept coming up to her and licking the glass. It was too cute! The Penguin feeding and the Grizzly bear feeding were pretty neat too. Actually, the Penguin FEED-ER, was a total cutie pie, so that’s why we stayed and watched! LOL There was this one bird that clearly did not like me, a red large parrot or something, every time I got near it, it would totally yell at me all loud, finally after the 4th yell, I got scared and ran out of the rainforest exhibit! Needless to say, it was a total fun and exciting day!

I know im not the best animal shooter.. but I sure enjoyed it, hopefully you do too!

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