Wednesday, November 24, 2010

{Family Session} The Howards

Steve + Elysia + Cecelia + Natalie = Howard Family

Such a great family to work with. Not only fun but adorable actually.

Cece & Nat are lovely little girls, full of life & love but really didn't want to be taking pics that day, so not only was it my first "in home" session, but a challenge as well. They they wanted to bake cookies, play fun with stuff and go to Chucky Cheese. Mom and Dad promised them endless goodies if they could just take a few good shots but that didn't seem to matter, they wanted to do other stuff. However, Steve and Elysia held it together really well while they tried to pacify the girls.

One other family member is "Panda", Panda was only allowed to be in the family pictures because Nat was lonely without him and didn't want to smile for the cammy. In the end they had a good turn out.

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