Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Christmas Tree 2010-

Every year and all year long, I am constantly thinking "OMG, I can't wait till Christmas".

Christmas is not only my favorite holiday because of the food, family and fun... but because of the "TREE". Every year when it starts getting closer to the holidays, my mind starts racing a million miles a minute about what theme I am choosing this year. My tree is thee most important piece to the Christmas Holiday... in my eyes anyway. I go all out for my trees because I ask for nothing else during Christmas.

It seems like every year I want to top my tree the year before and I am always in competition with myself. I am so picky when it comes to my ornaments and I don't even let anyone help. I spend hundreds on my trees to make them gorgeous. I'm thinking, since I'm only 29, can you imagine how awesome they are going to look when I'm 39?

My tree 2010... To see last years tree slideshow click >

1 comment:

  1. Great shots, Nita! I love the look of your Christmas tree! And I do like how everyone decorates their tree in their own unique way. I'm sure your tree will be out of this world by the time you are 50! :)
