Friday, December 3, 2010

{Galaites Family} Ashley + Garon +Cayden + Maleah

Tuesday I took photos of the Galaites Family. They were ADORABLE!

Ashley had warned me that Cayden was getting sick and needed to cancel. I said it would be OK, but I'm pretty booked and taking my December break from Photography (to spend with my family). She wanted to stay scheduled anyway and sure enough Cayden was sick, and so was Maleah so we decided on shooting in the backyard of Ashley's father's house. The backyard was very nice, clean and plenty of sun and shade.

Cayden really didn't want to take pics and mostly ran around and just being a boy, Maleah on the other hand was an angel and was just a silent beauty, she didn't run around at all but of course shes only 6 months! However, being that both kiddos were sick and not feeling well, they were very well behaved!

Ashley and Garon were amazing to watch. The patience they have and the love they share is beautiful. The Galaites Family was easy to work with, I had a great time and the kids were cute and fun!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

{Family Session} Melissa & Her Babies

Melissa found me on FaceBook a couple months back and really liked my work. She herself is an amateur photographer and can really appreciate photography. She asked me to take photos of her and her little ones and booked a session.

Her children are so well behaved and were just a tad shy to let lose. It took them the entire session before they really started coming out of their shell. Melissa begged them to smile and be natural but as well all know, kids just do what they want!

The Camarena family was easy to work with and they were real sports about doing what I asked them to do. As you can see for your self, the family is just adorable and I had a great time photographing this family. In the end, I was pleased!